Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón papers & code talks teaching students research hobbies
current students

Huanran Li
Huanran is interested in machine learning, and optimization. He likes outdoor sports and computer programming but hates bugs and bugs.

Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy is interested in manifold optimization and applied algebraic geometry. He also enjoys rock climbing, weightlifting, Brazilian jiujitsu, and exploring the outdoors.

Jingyun Jia
Jingyun Jia is interested in matrix completion and statistical learning. His hobbies include playing Chinese chess, chess, swimming, badminton, and watching movies.

Xiaoxu Rong
Xiaoxu is interested in machine learning applications in clinical diagnosis, and deep learning in biomedical imaging data. She enjoys rock climbing, snowboarding, baking and cuddling her two cats.

Siddharth Baskar
Siddharth is interested in Computer Vision and Unsupervised Learning. He loves playing tennis, swimming, and occasional D&D and board games.

Karan Rupashree
Karan Interested in Deep Learning and Generative AI. Hobbies include lifting heavy circles and gaming.

Undergrads, graduate students, and postdocs: If you'd like to work with me, shoot me an email!
My interdisciplinary research allows students from a ton of programs: Stats, CS, Engineering, Math, et al.

former students